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Update on the Hatchet Guy

We have been bad about posting updates on our little encounter with the guy with a hatchet.

We had been told to be ready for a preliminary hearing. The schedule for it was bad – while we were on the caravan. If it had happened it would have taken place with us sitting in a Tim Hortons (“best internet in the Maritime provinces”). However we got notified that it was delayed.

Our assailant fhad apparently skipped bail. A bench warrant was issued.

So we filed a form with the court indicating we wanted to be notified of developments. We got a call one day that a hearing was being held right now.

Apparently the guy went homeless and got picked up in Las Vegas for being a vagrant. The bench warrant came up and they shipped him back to Ely.

The results of the hearing was that he was ordered to come up with cash bail (I guess they let him out OR before) and a public defender was being appointed.

At least he is off the street…

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